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History of the Book of Acts

Beginning where he left off in his Gospel, Luke starts the book of Acts. This book is broken down into three sections: Acts 1-7, Acts 8-12, and Acts 13-28. Acts of the Apostles span from the year 33 A.D to 62 A.D. focusing mainly on Peter with the Jews, Philip with the Samaritans and Paul with the Gentiles. Because Acts is located right after the Gospels and before the epistles it becomes a pivotal book in the New Testament of the Bible. Luke covers from Judaism to Christianity, from law to grace, from Jews alone to Jews and Gentiles, and from kingdom to church. With this much information it is no wonder that the key verse in Acts is found in Acts 1:8, encouraging Christians to fulfill the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:18-20 . The Book of Acts records the spread of the gospel from the city of Jerusalem to the whole province of Judea and Samaria and then finally through the Roman Empire and beyond. These Christians were sold out for the cause of Christ and transformed their world as their lives became living testimonies of the Good News. God has called us to a life-style of evangelism to non-Christians by building relationships with them so the door will open for the opportunity to communicate the gospel to them. See Colossians 4:2-6 to learn how to become more effective as an instrument of the Holy Spirit to lead others to the Lord Jesus Christ and to Salvation.
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Dear Heavenly Father,
As this dear person reads through the Book of Acts, we ask that Your presence be upon them and that You will teach them what You desire them to know. May Your Words come alive to them and minister to them as they draw close to You. May their time of devotion to You by reading the book of Acts at this Online Bible site be a time of growth for this person to become more like You.
In Jesus' Precious Name,


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